This geography quiz contains questions and answers about Europe. Answer questions about flags, countries, cities, mountains, seas, lakes and attractions.
How deep is The North Sea at its deepest place?
The River Thames runs through which major English city?
In what part of the UK will you find the highest peaks?
To which country does the Mediterranean island Corsica belong?
Which of these bodies of water is not part of the Mediterranean?
How many people live in the Czech Republic?
How many inhabitants does Germany have?
How many people live in Greece?
How many inhabitants does Spain have?
How many people live in France?
How many inhabitants does Italy have?
How many people live in Portugal?
How many people live in Great Britain?
How many people live in the EU?
What country is the most populous EU member state?
Which country is the second most populous EU member state?
In which country is the capital called Sofia?
How many people live in Belgium?
What is the capital of Belgium called?
In what country is the capital called Brussels?
When did Slovakia gain independence?
What country was Slovakia in a federation with until 1993?
What is the capital of Albania called?
What is the capital of France called?
In what French region is Paris situated?
What is Europe's longest river called?
How long is the River Volga?
What body of water does the River Volga discharge into?
What is the capital of Iceland called?
What island is Europe's second biggest?
In what country is the city Rotterdam located?
What is the highest point in the Pyrenees called?
How long is the mountain range the Pyrenees?
Pico d'Aneto is the highest point in the Pyrenees. How high is it?
What is the highest peak in the Alps called?
What is the capital of Luxembourg called?
What is the river that runs through Rome called?
What three colours make up the Russian flag?
What three colours make up the German flag?
What colours make up the Dutch flag?
What is the capital city of Denmark?
What is the capital city of Germany?
What is the official capital city in the Netherlands?
What is the capital of Turkey?
What is the capital city of Bulgaria?
What is the capital city of the Czech Republic called?
What is the capital of Italy called?
What is the capital of Spain called?