This cartoon quiz is about the cartoons, creators, cartoon characters, comic books, heroes and other relevant topics.
Who wrote and drew the comic strip Garfield?
When was the comic strip Garfield first printed?
Which cartoon strip features a dog called Odie?
What is the name of the world-famous cartoon cat who loves lasagna?
In which decade was the comic book Asterix first published?
What is the name of Asterix's brawny friend?
With which villainous character does Popeye fight to gain the favor of a charming lady?
Popeye first appeared as a minor character in an Elzie C. Segar comic strip. Which one?
The mighty Popeye has taken a fancy to a particular lady. What is her name?
Which comic book character gains extraordinary strength by eating spinach?
In which decade were the first Superman comics published?