What is the name of Terrence Malick's debut film, featuring Martin Sheen?

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What is the name of Terrence Malick's debut film, featuring Martin Sheen?



The American film director Terrence Malick was born in Illinois in 1943. He studied philosophy and arts at university, and in 1973 directed his first film, "Badlands", featuring Martin Sheen. Terrence Malick only directs very few films. Between 1973 and 2012, he directed a total of six films. When he does release a new film, he is not keen to speak to the press, wanting the films to stand for themselves. His war film "The Thin Red Line" from 1998 was well-received but the 2005 "A New World" became a big fiasco. He came back, however, and made what many consider the best film of 2011 - "The Tree of Life", featuring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn. It is characteristic for Mallick that he shoots his films largely outside, giving nature an important role in the story of his characters.


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