Who directed "Spiderman" from 2002, featuring Willem Dafoe in the role as the "Green Goblin"?
Sam Raimi
The American actor Willem Dafoe was born in Wisconsin in 1955 and is known as one of the tough boys in Hollywood. His first role was in the epic "Heaven's Gate", which became a huge flop. His real break-through came with the title role in Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of the Christ". This was in 1988. Two years later, he played the slimy villain in David Lynch's "Wild at Heart". Other films he can be seen in include "Antichrist" and "Finding Nemo", as well as "Spiderman", where he plays the Green Goblin. The first of these, directed by Sam Raimi, was released in 2002. In "Platoon" from 1986, a a character says about Willem Dafoe's role that "In three years time he will think he is Jesus". This turned out to be pretty much spot on.
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