What is the volcano called which is located south of Quito and which with its 5897 metres is the highest summit in Ecuador?
In what country in South America is the highest peak in the Andes Mountains?
How high is Mount Elbert, the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains?
In what mountain range is Mount Elbert the highest mountain?
What is the highest peak in the Alps called?
Pico d'Aneto is the highest point in the Pyrenees. How high is it?
How long is the mountain range the Pyrenees?
What is the highest point in the Pyrenees called?
In what mountain range would you find the 6,962 metres high mountain Aconcagua?
How long does the South American Andes mountain range stretch?
On what continent would you find the Andes?
How high is the highest point in the Andes?
What is the second highest mountain range in the world called?
How high is Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro?
In what African country would you find Africa's highest point, the Kilimanjaro?
In what mountain range is Toubkal the highest point?
What large mountain range borders the Sahara Desert?
How long does the Atlas Mountains mountain range stretch?
How high is the highest peak in the Atlas mountains?
On what continent can you find the Atlas Mountains?
The distinctive mountains in Venezuela are called Tepuis. What makes them so special?
In what country would you find the volcano Cotopaxi?
What is the highest point in Turkey called?
How high is the world's highest mountain Mount Everest?